Sunday, July 20, 2014

Tamizhan !! தமிழன்டா

Few years back, I was seeing a BBC documentary which found the closest DNA resemblance of ancient Human being with the people living near Theni Madurai. 

While Kumari kandam is referenced in ancient tamil literatures, currently we don't have any literature or scientific research (why is India or TN not doing any research on this ? ) that can confirm this once and for all.

Whatever be it, I'm happy and thankful to have born in to a culture and language that is one of the oldest, if not THE oldest in the world.

தமிழன் என்று சொல்லடா, தலை நிமிர்ந்து நில்லடா. தமிழனின் பெருமையை உலகம் அறிய செய்வோம் - தமிழன்டா.