On the occassion of Gandhi jayanthi, I had the opportunity to watch a wonderful movie named Gandhi (no surprises here :-D). I regretted and realized the mistake of not watching this movie so far and also how ill informed I was about Gandhi and too a good extent of the various devlopments that shaped Indian independence. The movie was good on the handling the content of Gandhi and Indian independence and fitting it in to 3 hour time frame of movie standards. I'm not much of a movie critic and will stop at this level.
In that movie, Gandhiji utters a sentence which goes like - I'm a muslim; I'm a hindu; I'm a christain; I'm a jew. It was such a wonderful expression which speaks of oneness in humanity and the intent of Gandhiji to convey this message. If I juxtapose the unfortunate events happening in present day India, I wonder how can these self proclaimed saviors of religion who hail from this land claim their affliation to one particular religion alone? - when the father of nation can proclaim that he encompasses all of them.
Also, Gandhiji couldnt complete his planned trip to Pakistan. I wonder all the good that could have happened had that trip to Pakistan been completed by Gandhiji. The innumerable battles and fights for border issues, the two wars India and Pakistan fought, the creation of a seperate nation of Bangladesh, the Kashmir issue and most importantly, the mistrust amongst the people of the two nation. All these could have been potentially avoided had that trip happened or so I think so.
cant v just be called human beings...????
ReplyDeletey differentiate
wn the air v breath is same - does the oxygen say i shall nt let u breath me in just coz u belong to so and so cast...
the land v walk is same - does the mother earth say i cant carry u walk on me just coz u belong to so and so cast...
the water that v drink - the water never feel grossed out passing thru anybody's throat...
wn v hav a cut its the same blood...
tn y r v divided in to so many different cast's and sub cast's.... y is it so specially in India :(