I have all the time in the world...and I have all the things in the world that I can learn......Known is a drop and unknown is the ocean.....it is so true in this life...and especially true...in the life of a software proffessional coz no matter whatever you could have studied (Bachelor of Engg) to become one, or all the learning you do while you are a s/w proffessional, is never enough. You would still feel that there is sooooo much more to learn...and various situations when I stand quiet..wondering...what is being talked around...only reinstates the fact that I need to know more.
Known is a drop ..unknown is an ocean.
Yet, All the world is my stage and I can play the role I choose to. Day b4 yesterday, b4 leaving for office...I had this high energy....was jumping and moving/dancing for some tune being played in computer and I was really happy and enthusiastic...and I kept on telling myself....I have got all the time in the world...to learn and finish off few pending tasks and be eager for more :-). And it felt good.
For no reason, during work, suddenly I felt all the enthusiasm drain out and only skepticism come in and confusion over few things regarding work only compounded those feelings. So much to my high energy and feelings :-D
Still, It's a beautiful life.
I have it all and can get only more in the times to come. :)...My family is really kewl..and nice..and good...with my relatives....and friends..who are really kewl...it sseems a bliss to be living..and this is how I live in :)
There is this other world, where I face disappointment, anger, sadness, anguish...pain...and frustration almost on a regular basis. It is a straw in me....which kinda sucks away the life from me..however indifferent I chose to be. The disappointment over the helplessness on the situation or the lack of my action or the excess of which could result in worser results or the apprehension about the prospect that is awaiting me. There are various other things that Im not able to explain but one of those feeling is intent to blog about the same senses....to give a vent for them.
I believe most people in this world have these two worlds.....one world...in which there aint any big issues and the other world, which crops up once in a while to remind and drain most of our gains from the other world.
However, I still believe, its a beautiful world coz it has these two worlds within it....as a part of it and still chugs along...I dont have anything to lose, as I always carry the hope of fixing the other world to betterment :-)
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