Who am I ? Such a simple question ain't it ? Yet, the answer for this question varies from one person to another....and that underscores the individuality of each one of us. The fact that we are all differrent in one way or the other.True.
Or is it true? Are we really differrent. Last week of september threw up a an inspiring incident out of an accident.
Sixteen year old Hithenthran from Chennai met with an accident and was pronounced brain dead in the Apollo hospital. His parents took the bold decision to donated some of his organs to the people who are in desperated need of donor. They donated his kidney, cornea, liver and Heart. All these organs are serving and helping somebody else to live in this world now. His heart is beating in the body of a girl who was suffering from heart failure. The story of how Chennai traffic police did their job in the quick transportation deservers appreciation and another blog.
Lets get back to the topic. Are we the body that we have now? in that case, Hithentran is still living in the bodies of another people. It is very important to note that his heart has gone to a girl child. This should serve as slapping reminder to people who differentiate girls and boys (men and women) on some ridiculous criteria. In my opine, there aint much difference to a man or women but for the few physical difference which are there for a purpose and that doesnt warrant a discrimination between the two sexes to the extent seen in different parts of the world. What is needed is discretion. Period.
A quick search on the internet brings back the list of organs that can be donated to others after one's death and that should seal all the discrimination amongst human beings on the physical criteria.
Allright, we've been talkin on the physical level...what about the mind? That is the place where the real difference exists. Or does it?
what sort of feelings do you go through in your life? Happy? Sorrow? Angry? Depression?
Put in the same situation, almost all the people in the world would experience the same feeling.
We feel sad when some one passes away.
We feel happy when our work has won accolades.
We feel angry when we were treated rudely/badly/inappropriate manner.
We feel when we encounter
There is not much difference in the way we all feel given a siutaiton. Do you see what Im saying?
However, the way we handle how we feel (read as emotions), can bring about the difference.
Let us touch upon another aspect on the mind level - thought process.
Do you think you have the control over your thought process? Well, I dont think we have control over our thought proces. I can be wrong here, but that is a remote possiblity.
Thoughts come and go whether we like it or not. You can brand the thoughts as good thoughts or bad thought but they come and grab your attention (or drag your attention from your activity) and goes. However, they will stay if you grab them - see the difference. They grab your attention initially and leave the option to you - if you grab it, you will be in the same though else you will be out of it. Simple.
Ok - even in Mind level, we don't seem to see much difference between humans coz there are not much options left. ;-) wink wink.
Physical level - there is not much difference between humans.
Mind level - there are not much difference between humans.
Then, shouldnt you consider yourself to be fools if you see difference amongst people and discriminate them based on trivial things such as sex, place, caste creed and religion. Give me a break.
We are all one.
If we are all one, who am I? May be there is something that is unique (read as different about me) about me that sets me apart so that I can define myself. But what is so unique about me if we are all one and the same ????
Who am I ??
trust me i had goose bumps
ReplyDeleteand almost in tears, and thanking those parents would also be a insult to tr parenthood...
who in this world even in today's date wr tr is an era or a trend that is followed wr people discriminate b/w a lady and a men, would prefer doing something like this...
y can each one of tm think that it is not the body (that is alive) that matters, it is the mind and ur thought process....
y not denote yourself in this way, wn u kw that it can giv a rebirth 2 ur dear1 and also the 1 who is in need of it....